It's kinda like this...

A sense of humor and an open mind are welcome here.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

It Seems Like Its That Time Again.

There comes a time during one's life, several times actually, where a myriad of thoughts travel through one's mind. Most, while in no particular order, nor in any particular detail, seem to get pulled right out of one's ass. What I mean by that is you tend to think back on the thought, after some contemplation, and wonder just where the hell did that come from? Something like, "Was I really that bored that I was actually counting how many breaths I take at rest in one minute, divide that by two as if I had to share a finite amount of air with one other person, while trapped in something like a vault like that detective was in Harlem Nights and ...?" It would be something you might think about if you were going completely mad, but I was sitting behind a desk for 6 hours! Okay, same thing. Some would stop reading now and just chock it up to boredom. Yeah, that's the easy way out. I tend to believe that most of these thoughts are always in your mind but they are just waiting for the right opportunity to come out. Hopefully it's when you are all alone because, and J can be a witness to this, if it happens when you are with a just becomes one Stupid ass question. J, remember the Kanye West/John Legend song when leaving Chilli's? Yeah...I rest my case. Anyway, I am on a tangent. For those who almost failed Geometry like I did...what? It was 10th period, man!!! Let me get back on track. These are more of my random, and sometimes completely dumb ass, thoughts...

-Call me lazy, but why in the hell would you swim upstream to lay your eggs? Salmon are the second dumbest fish in creation. It seems to me that the lazy ass bear just moved up on the intelligence ladder as far as the animal kingdom is concerned. Dumbest fish: Goldfish. It's not their fault. Short term memory loss is a bitch!!! I can never remember what happened the day after being at the club when some serious drinkin' was involved so I know their life sucks! Much respeck, but they're still #1.

-Why would someone call you on your home phone and start off the conversation with


"Where you at, man?"



-Is it just me or was everyone else's girlfriend in school (HS/college) a direct representation of their grades?

A=Pretty face& Bad Ass Body

B=Pretty face&Okay Body / Okay Face&Bad Ass Body

C=Pretty face or Bad Ass Body

D=Not so much worth mentioning too loudly/ good personality

F=Bad Face, Bad "meaning Bad" body/Converted Cross dresser/A+ of same gender

Maybe it was just me...2.5 GPA. You see? Where did that shyt come from???

-They say that to extend one's left hand to an Arab is a sign of disrepect due to the fact that it is the hand that they wipe their asses with. My question is, besides the hose that is present in every bathroom over there, have they not heard of toilet paper? Do they wipe their asses with their bare hand and then wash it? My left hand is just as clean as my right everytime I walk out of the bathroom. Hell, I'm subject to go crazy sometimes and switch hands up. What then? Do I walk up to him and tell him to pick one?

-Speaking of greetings, why is it that we men of color can walk down a crowded ass passageway and won't say nothing to, or acknowledge ,anyone we don't know until we walk up on another brotha? What do we do then? We give 'em the, "What's up, man?" head nod, don't we? What does that movement signify, you ask? Well as we lift our heads up, elevating the chin no greater than 15 degrees, we are basically saying, "Hey, man..they ain't hangin' any Niggas back the way I just came, am I cool yo way?" Anything more than 15 degrees and that nigga would've been runnin' towards you with his head all the way back, heels kicking his ass. It seems like I've heard that from my grandfather or something. I don't know because I was pretty young when people started imparting wisdom on me.

Well, I'm in the wind. Nothing else seems to be coming through. Just thought that I would share today's thoughts wit ya. Be easy.


Blogger Em said...

you're right. salmon are stupid. but delicious.

9:20 PM  
Blogger wun_knight said...

Em, we had salmon tonight. No shyt. All I could think as I looked down at my plate was "You poor, stupid bastard. You got by the bear and you thought that was it, huh?" damn right I be bored on this watch. You sit in front of a computer for hours with alarms and phones all around you waiting for some shyt to pop off!!! See how long it takes you to wig the hell out!! I am just one step above Homer Simpson when it comes to job satisfaction.

I see you feel me with the head nods, huh? Who the hell started that?? Should they do a "Great Moments in African American History" short with Don Cheadle narrating?

"On this day in 1956, while walking home from the store with grocery bags in both hands and a mouth full of Carmello Chews, Lenny 'Catfish' Williams came across his long time friend and runnin' mate, Harold 'Boom Boom' Washington. Unable to extend a hi five or the always acceptable, 'What's up, nikka?', Catfish did the unthinkable...

8:03 AM  
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